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Organooxotin and cobalt/manganese heterometallic nanoclusters exhibiting single-molecule magnetism

Jun-Jie Fang, Yun-Peng Xie*, Xing Lu*



In conclusion, the synthesis of nine heterometallic Sn-Co/Mn nanoclusters has been achieved through a stepwise self-assem bly approach, utilizing polynuclear oxygen donors as key precur sors. The tBuPO32− ligands play a pivotal role in bridging trinuclear organotin clusters with Co2+/Mn2+ ions. Shielded by O/N/P-con taining ligands, the Co2+ and Mn2+ ions assume distorted tetrahe dral and hexahedral coordination environments, respectively. Lig ands featuring two or three N/P coordination sites facilitate the bridging of multiple [(nBuSn)3(MeO)33-O)(tBuPO3)3Co] substruc tures, highlighting their structural robustness. Significantly, the dy namic magnetization measurements indicated that (Sn3-Co1)2-1,5-naphyd NC exhibits a slow relaxation behavior of magnetiza tion. This study delves into the intricate self-assembly process of Sn-Co/Mn nanoclusters at the molecular level, offering valuable insights for the development of novel SMMs. 

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