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Versatile Inorganic Oligomer-based Photochromic Spiropyrane Gels
Jiajia Song, Wei Duan, Yun Chen* and Xiangyang Liu*
In this cover picture, a green inorganic oligomer-based spiropyrans composite gelatinous system is constructed based on the calcium ionic nanocrystalline core controlled by capping agent TEA and the flexible cavities in soft materials surrounding the nanocrystalline. This material exhibits excellent cyclic reversible discoloration properties and application potential for hydrazine detection.
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Conductive Metal/Covalent Organic Frameworks for COElectroreduction

Chang-Pu Wan, Jun-Dong Yi, Rong Cao* and Yuan-Biao Huang*

Chin. J. Struct. Chem. 2022, 41, 2205001-2205014  DOI: 10.14102/j.cnki.0254-5861.2022-0075

May 20, 2022

metal-organic frameworks, covalent organic frameworks, COelectroreduction reaction, conductive frameworks


Porous crystalline metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are promising platforms for electrocatalytic reduction of CO2(CO2RR) due to their large COadsorption uptakes and periodically arranged single active sites. However, the applications in CO2RR of the traditional MOFs and COFs are greatly limited by their low electron conductivity. In recent years, numerous types of MOFs and COFs with high intrinsic conductivity have been rationally designed and successfully constructed, and some of them have been applied in CO2RR. In this review, the applications of conductive MOFs and COFs in CO2RR have been summarized. The conductive MOFs and COFs can be categorized according to the methods, in which the conductivity is enhanced, such as constructing fully π-conjugated backbones, donor-acceptor heterojunction, enhancing the π-π stacking interactions between organic moieties and/or the introduction of guest molecules.

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