Special Issue for Nonlinear Optical Crystals

Sangen Zhao*, Guohong Zou*, Min Zhang*, Hongwei Yu*, Xingxing Jiang*, Min Luo*

January 15, 2023


Nonlinear optical (NLO) crystals can efficiently convert the frequency of common solid-state laser with fixed or limited wavelengths. Since the first observation of second-harmonic generation (SHG) phenomenon in the early 1960s, they have played an increasing role in the fields of laser spectra, precision measurements, and quantum information, as well as industrial laser processing, and so on. However, it is still challenging to rationally design and synthesize new NLO crystals.

This special issue contains 10 papers, which includes 2 short communications, 2 articles, and 6 reviews. We thank a lot for the authors’ great contribution to this special issue. A brief summary of all 10 accepted papers is provided as follows. 

Firstly, the short communication “From Cs8Sb4Nb5O5F35 to Cs6Sb4Mo3O5F26: the first non-centrosymmetric fluoroantimonite with d0 transition metal”, Fang Kong, Jiang-Gao Mao, and co-authors report two novel d0 transition metal fluoroantimonites, and discuss the structural transformation between them. This paper indicates that d0 transition metal fluoroantimonites may be a promising NLO material system.

Another short communication “Polymorphism of LiCdBO3: crystal structures, phase transitions and optical characterizations” reports two new polymorphic phases of LiCdBO3, referred as m- and t-LiCdBO3 according to their crystallization temperatures. Qian Wu, Mingjun Xia, and co-authors found an interesting temperature-dependent phase transition with a non-centrosymmetric-to-centrosymmetric symmetry breaking, which results in a sharp transition from SHG-on state to the SHG-off state for LiCdBO3

In the article “Deep-ultraviolet nonlinear-optical crystal BaNa2[PO3(OH)]2 with large birefringence and strong second-harmonic-generation response”, Yi-Gang Chen, Xian-Ming Zhang and co-authors report a new metal phosphate, BaNa2[PO3(OH)]2, which realizes an excellent balance between short UV absorption edge less than 190 nm, strong SHG response with the magnitude of ~1.2 × benchmark KH2PO4, and the large birefringence with the experimental value of 0.064@590 ± 3 nm. These results imply that BaNa2[PO3(OH)]2 is a very promising DUV NLO crystal.

The article “AIO3∙H6TeO6 (A = NH4, Rb): two telluric acid and iodate co-crystalline compounds

with second harmonic generation response” reports two interesting isostructural co-crystalline compounds. Hongming Liu and co-authors found that both compounds show moderate phase-matching SHG responses and large optical band gaps of > 4.25 eV.

In the review titled “Recent progress on sulfide infrared nonlinear optical materials with large SHG response and wide band gap”, Junjie Li and co-authors highlight the progress of high-performance sulfide IR NLO materials with desired balance between strong SHG response (≥ 1.0 × AgGaS2) and wide band gap (≥ 3.0 eV) since 2018. They also point out the potential opportunities and challenges in IR NLO materials. 

The review “Recent advances in F-containing iodate nonlinear optical materials” summarizes the research progress of F-containing iodates in the past ten years and addresses the effect of structure-directing properties of oxide-fluoride anions on the crystal structures of F-containing iodates. Hongwei Yu and co-authors analyze the performance differences of F-containing iodates in different systems, and provide useful suggestions on how to achieve desirable balance between large SHG efficiency and large band gap in one crystal. 

The review “Evaluating refractive index and birefringence of nonlinear optical crystals: classical methods and new developments”, Lingyun Dong, Ying Wang and co-authors summarize the effective methods for the measurements of refractive index and birefringence. This review would shed useful insights on how to realize angle phase-matching conditions for NLO crystals. 

The review “Compounds consisting of coplanar π-conjugated B3O6-typed structures: an emerging source of ultraviolet nonlinear optical materials” by Min Luo and co-authors describe the research advances of NLO materials with π-conjugated B3O6-typed groups, and summarize the crystal structures, synthetic methods, optical performances, as well as the relationships between structures and properties. Notably, B3O6 is the basic functional group of the so-called “China brand” crystal β-BaB2O4. This review may accelerate the development of the next-generation UV NLO materials. 

The review “Recent advances on the synthesis of Sb(III)-based inorganic ultraviolet nonlinear optical materials” presents a short review of the reported Sb(III)-based UV-NLO materials. Guohong Zou and co-authors give an in-depth overview on how to solve the difficult problems including oxidation and hydrolysis in the synthesis process of these materials. This review offers some synthetic concepts for synthesizing the subsequent class of high-performance UV NLO materials.

In the review of “Accurate design and synthesis of nonlinear optical crystals employing the KBe2BO3F2 as structural template”, Yaoguo Shen, Sangen Zhao and co-author present their successful examples on the accurate design and synthesis of high-performance NLO materials by employing the KBe2BO3F2 as structural template. In addition, they propose a new concept so-called quality factor to comprehensively evaluate the overall performance of new UV NLO materials. 

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