Searching for new degrees of freedom towards photoelectric functional crystals

Guoqiang Shi, Kunfeng Chen, Dongfeng Xue*

Chin. J. Struct. Chem., 2023, 42: 100124. DOI: 10.1016/j.cjsc.2023.100124

July 15, 2023


The search for new degrees of freedom in photoelectric functional crystals is a promising area of research that has the potential to revolutionize the development of advanced optoelectronic materials and devices. Searching for new degrees of freedom is the key to designing photoelectric functional crystals. By coupling the multiple degrees of freedom of the molecules, the contributions of the crystal properties can be clearly identified, and multi-scale quantum design of photoelectric functional crystals can be achieved from the origin of functionality. Through exploring novel phenomena and mechanisms, researchers can potentially discover materials with unprecedented photoelectric functionalities and superior performance. The synergy between experimental and theoretical studies is crucial for the discovery and optimization of these materials, as it enables researchers to accurately predict the behavior of materials and guide experimental efforts. The development of new photoelectric functional crystals has significant implications for the fields of optoelectronics and solar energy conversion technologies. The discovery of new materials with enhanced photoelectric functionalities has the potential to increase the efficiency and reliability of solar cells, leading to more widespread adoption of solar energy. Furthermore, the development of novel optoelectronic devices based on photoelectric functional crystals could lead to breakthroughs in areas such as data storage and communication. Overall, continued research and development in this area will pave the way for the next generation of optoelectronics and solar energy conversion technologies.
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