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Electrostatically driven kinetic Inverse CO2/C2H2 separation in LTA-type zeolites

Yongheng Ren, Yang Chen, Hongwei Chen, Lu Zhang, Jiangfeng Yang, Qi Shi, Lin-Bing Sun, Jinping Li, Libo Li*
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Conductive metal-organic frameworks for electromagnetic wave absorption

Kang Wang, Qinglin Zhou, Weijin Li*

Chin. J. Struct. Chem., 2024, 43: 100325. DOI: 10.1016/j.cjsc.2024.100325

October 15, 2024


In summary, the booming development of c-MOFs brings opportunities for the development of new electromagnetic functional materials and devices, and the design and customization of MOF structural units, overall topology modulation, and the construction of three-dimensional structures based on the understanding of electromagnetic properties and energy conversion provide new insights for further investigation of the EMW absorption mechanism and enhancement of dielectric properties. However, conductive MOFs also face challenges such as few available types, poor impedance matching, and narrow absorption bandwidth. Furthermore, in practical potential applications, conductive MOF can also be made into MOF films for stealth coatings for military equipment and EMW protection for civilian use.

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