Tianyi Hou, Yunhui Huang, Henghui Xu*
Chin. J. Struct. Chem., 2024, 43: 100313. DOI: 10.1016/j.cjsc.2024.100313
July 15, 2024
summary, several effective strategies have recently been proposed to mitigate
the Li/SSE interfacial issue and extend the lifespan of SSLMBs. These
approaches encompass Li or anode scaffolds, Li/SSE interlayers and SSE design,
addressing the fundamental limitation of SSLMBs from various perspectives. The
design principles, which involve multiple disciplines and interdisciplinary
collaboration, cover aspects ranging from Li-metal nucleation and growth to
interfacial contact stability. The success achieved thus far underscores the
importance of interface engineering in solid-state systems and the efficacy of
synergistic strategies. Future research should focus on SSLMBs capable of
operating within a wide temperature range, especially below 0 °C, and at low stacking
pressures, to expedite the commercialization of SSLMBs.