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Unlocking the elasticity in ferroelectrics by slight crosslinking

Fangzhou Li, Liang Gao, Linping Wang*, Ben-Lin Hu*



These elastic ferroelectrics and ferroelectric elastomers have broad application prospects in wearable electronic devices, ferroelectric information storage, and dielectric actuation. However, the piezoelectric and dielectric constants of elastic ferroelectrics we have prepared are still relatively lower compared to those of inorganic ferroelectric ceramics. Additionally, ferroelectric elastomers with high dielectric constants exhibit relatively high dielectric loss. Therefore, future research should focus on enhancing and optimizing these properties. The slight-crosslinking method for preparing intrinsically elastic ferroelectrics offers a novel pathway for tuning ferroelectric properties. We believe this research field has significant application potential, bridging the gap between ferroelectric materials and emerging wearable electronic devices. It is expected to drive advancements in wearable flexible electronics, actuation, sensing, and information storage.

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