Anion-templated Self-assembly for the Preparation of Silver-t-butylthiolate Clusters

JIN Jun-Ling, SHEN Yang-Lin, MI Li-Wei*, XIE Yun-Peng* and LU Xing*

Chin. J. Struct. Chem. 2022, 41, 2203100-2203107  DOI: 10.14102/j.cnki.0254-5861.2011-3357

March 15, 2022

silver cluster, X-ray crystal structure, silver thiolate polymer, self-assembly


Silver thiolate polymers are intercepted to form different structural fragments when reacting with variant solubilizing reagents, which usually serve as the starting point for the preparation of clusters. However, such a process is still far from clear. Herein, we report the controlled synthesis of silver-t-butylthiolate clusters from reactions of polymeric [AgtBuS]n and suitable templates in the presence of solubilizing reagents to offer a detailed look at the mechanism of cluster’s formation. As the provided solubilizing reagents have weak coordination ability, such as O- or N-donating ligands, the obtained polymeric compound retains the linear structure pattern that S and Ag atoms are arranged alternately. When extra templates NO3 and CO32− are applied, the disk-like clusters Ag19 and Ag20 are constructed with the same [AgtBuS]5 circles that may directly cyclize from the linear [AgtBuS]n fragments. In contrast, (EtO)2PS2 and (iPrO)2PS2 anions have large size and strong coordination ability rendering the structure of the polymer completely fragmented. Thus extremely short [AgtBuS]n pieces with silver ions and solubilizing ligands assemble around the templates V2O74− and W2O94−, leading to the formation of clusters Ag22 and Ag24.

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