Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Fluorescent Properties of New Layered Thiophosphate Cs2Ga3PS8

CHEN Wen-Fa, LIU Bin-Wen, JIANG Xiao-Ming* and GUO Guo-Cong*

Chin. J. Struct. Chem. 2021, 40, 1271-1276  DOI: 10.14102/j.cnki.0254-5861.2011-3135

October 15, 2021

chalcogenide, thiophosphate, crystal structure, solid-state phase, synthesis


new quaternary metal thiophosphate, Cs2Ga3PS8, in triclinic P  space group has been successfully synthesized by a reactive-flux method. Its structural framework is derived from well-known AMIIIMIVQ4 (A = alkali metal; MIII = Al, Ga, In; MIV = Si, Ge, Sn; Q = S, Se) system and composed of two-dimensional 2 ∞[Ga3PS8]2– layers separated by Cs+. The compound exhibits a wide band gap of 3.08 eV and congruent-melting behavior with melt point of 645 ℃. Interestingly, Cs2Ga3PS8 exhibits a broad photoluminescent emission band at 420 nm upon excitation at 295 nm. Moreover, electronic structure calculations indicate that Cs2Ga3PS8 is a direct band gap compound and its luminescent process can be mainly ascribed to electron transfer from the S-3p and Ga-4p states to S-3p and P-3p.

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