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Versatile Inorganic Oligomer-based Photochromic Spiropyrane Gels
Jiajia Song, Wei Duan, Yun Chen* and Xiangyang Liu*
In this cover picture, a green inorganic oligomer-based spiropyrans composite gelatinous system is constructed based on the calcium ionic nanocrystalline core controlled by capping agent TEA and the flexible cavities in soft materials surrounding the nanocrystalline. This material exhibits excellent cyclic reversible discoloration properties and application potential for hydrazine detection.
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Highly Efficient Quasi-Homogeneous System for Photocatalytic H2O2 Production

Huinan Che and Yanhui Ao*

Chin. J. Struct. Chem. 2022, 41, 2205093-2205094.  DOI: 10.14102/j.cnki.0254-5861.2022-0107

May 20, 2022


The quasi-homogeneous photocatalytic system can be formed by iodide ions induced fragmented and ultrathin structured TP-PCN. The TP-PCN possesses abundant edge active sites, which can greatly enhance the O2 adsorption/ activation capacity and the 2e- ORR selectivity. As expected, the quasi-homogeneous system affords a remarkably increased photocatalytic H2O2 production activity.

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