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Versatile Inorganic Oligomer-based Photochromic Spiropyrane Gels
Jiajia Song, Wei Duan, Yun Chen* and Xiangyang Liu*
In this cover picture, a green inorganic oligomer-based spiropyrans composite gelatinous system is constructed based on the calcium ionic nanocrystalline core controlled by capping agent TEA and the flexible cavities in soft materials surrounding the nanocrystalline. This material exhibits excellent cyclic reversible discoloration properties and application potential for hydrazine detection.
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Contributions of Cs and Rb on Inhibiting Photo-induced Phase Segregation and Enhancement Optoelectronic Performances of MA1-yXyPbI1.8Br1.2(X = Cs, Rb) Single Crystals

Qing Yao, Kaiyu Wang, Jie Zhang, Changqian Li, Chenyu Shang, Feitong Chen, Qi Huang, Qiqi Zhao, Weiwei Zhang, Xiaoyuan Zhan and Jianxu Ding*

Chin. J. Struct. Chem. 2022, 41, 2205077-2205084  DOI: 10.14102/j.cnki.0254-5861.2022-0089

May 20, 2022

perovskite single crystal, photo-induced phase segregation, mixed A-cation, optoelectronic performances


Introducing inorganic cation into hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites (HOIPs) has attracted great attention because of the enhancement stabilities without sacrificing their excellent optoelectronic properties. Here, we introduce Cs and Rb into MAPbI1.8Br1.2 single crystals (SCs) to dig out the mixed cation effect on optoelectronic performances and phase stabilities. Both Rb and Cs can increase the lattice capacity, which is sufficient to relieve the lattice stress caused by photon energy, thus achieving the purpose of stabilizing the lattice structure and inhibiting migration of halide ions, compared with MAPbI1.8Br1.2 SC. On the other hand, the smaller polarity of Rb and Cs reduces the electron-phonon coupling, thus significantly inhibiting the migration of halide ions. Meanwhile, through planar photo-detectors, MA0.9Cs0.1PbI1.8Br1.2-based device behaves much excellent optoelectronic performance (R = 0.170 A/W, EQE = 51.39 %, D*= 4.42 × 1012Jones, on/off ratio: ~522).

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