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Ultrathin ZnIn2S4 Nanosheets Supported Metallic Ni3FeN for Photocatalytic Coupled Selective Alcohol Oxidation and H2 Evolution

Mengqing Li, Weiliang Qi, Jiuyang Yu, Lijuan Shen, Xuhui Yang, Siqi Liu* and Min-Quan Yang*

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Porous Metal-Organic Framework-Polymer Composites Using High Internal Phase Emulsion Templates: A Review

Yue Qiu, Jin-Jin Li*, Ling Zhao, Zhenhao Xi* and Weikang Yuan

Chin. J. Struct. Chem. 2022, 41, 2212060-2212069  DOI: 10.14102/j.cnki.0254-5861.2022-0179

December 2, 2022

 high internal phase emulsion (HIPE), metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), adsorption and separation, heterogeneous catalysis, bioengineering


As promising engineering materials for green and sustainable processes, porous metal-organic framework (MOF)-polymer composites show great potential in applications, including adsorption, separation, catalysis, and bioengineering. Owing to the mild and scalable operation, porous polymeric materials derived from high internal phase emulsion templates (polyHIPE) have received great interests in recent decades. In this contribution, research progress of the preparation of porous MOF@polyHIPE composites and their applications are reviewed, highlighting how can MOF particles be shaped by HIPE templates, in particular the polymerizable ones. Four different emulsion templates stabilized by MOFs and the applications of corresponding MOF@polyHIPE are included. Hopefully, both the state-of-art and future directions present herein can give rise to the development of high-performance porous MOF@polyHIPEs.

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