Deep-ultraviolet nonlinear-optical crystal BaNa2[PO3(OH)]2 with large birefringence and strong second-harmonic-generation response

Yuanyu Yang, Yao Guo, Yi-Gang Chen*, Chengbo Li, Xian-Ming Zhang*

Chin. J. Struct. Chem., 2023, 42: 100015     DOI: 10.1016/j.cjsc.2023.100015

January 15, 2023

Nonlinear-optical, Birefringence, Structure, Phosphates, Optical properties


Deep-ultraviolet (DUV, λ < 200 nm) nonlinear-optical (NLO) crystals play a pivotal role in modern laser science and technology. Metal phosphates have been considered as fascinating candidates for DUV NLO crystal material. However, how to generate both strong second-harmonic-generation (SHG) response and large birefringence for promising DUV NLO metal phosphates is a long-standing issue. Herein, a new DUV NLO metal phosphate, BaNa2[PO3(OH)]2, was successfully synthesized, which features a two-dimensional [NaPO3(OH)] alveolate layer alternately connected by highly asymmetric [PO3(OH)] groups and NaO5 triangular bipyramids. BaNa2[PO3(OH)]2 can realize a good balance of DUV nonlinear properties covering short UV absorption edge less than 190 nm, strong SHG response with the magnitude of ∼1.2 × benchmark KH2PO4 (KDP), and the largest birefringence with the experimental value of 0.064@590 ± 3 nm in reported alkaline/alkaline-earth metal phosphates, producing the shortest phase-matching output down to the wavelength of 164 nm. These research results show that BaNa2[PO3(OH)]2 crystal is a potential DUV NLO crystal material.

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