We identified two new polymorphic phases of LiCdBO3,
referred as m- and t-LiCdBO3 according to their
crystallization temperatures from low to high. The arrangement of BO3 groups affected by the CdO5 pentahedra leads to the space group of
polymorphic LiCdBO3. In addition, h-LiCdBO3 undergoes a
phase transformation m-LiCdBO3 at 657 C whereast-LiCdBO3 cannot
be obtained by heating the LiCdBO3 powder sample until it melted, while
identified from the melted product. A noncentrosymmetric-to-centrosymmetric
symmetry breaking phase transition offers a sharp transition from SHG-on to
SHG-off state between low and high temperature. Furthermore, theoretical
calculations of three polymorphisms of LiCdBO3 were carried out to
better understand the structure-optical property relationship.