Salt-inclusion chalcogenides: Double functional moieties design strategy toward excellent nonlinear optical materials

Chao-Hong Xie, Bin-Wen Liu*, Guo-Cong Guo*

Chin. J. Struct. Chem., 2023, 42: 100029. DOI: 10.1016/j.cjsc.2023.100029

March 15, 2023

Salt-inclusion chalcogenide; Nonlinear optical material; Host and guest parts; Tructural crystal


Nonlinear optical (NLO) material are of great importance in converting the frequency to extend the laser spectrum in mid- and far-infrared (IR) regions where lasers operate poorly or are unavailable. However, the contradiction between large second-harmonic generation (SHG) intensity and wide band gap (Eg) is a long-standing problem for IR NLO materials. To address the issue, metal chalcogenides have been successfully synthesized and developed excellent optical properties in the past few decades. As a newly discovered category of chalcogenides, salt-inclusion chalcogenides with distinctive structures and brilliant performances have been placed great expectations to be a novel problem-solving. In this review, 52 compounds in this thriving family are categorized via dimensions of host and guest parts, further discussing the relationships between their structures and NLO properties, as well as future perspectives of this family.

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