Inhibition effect of sulfation on Pt/TiO2 catalysts in methane combustion

Fanxin Kong, Hongzhi Wang, Huimei Duan*

Chin. J. Struct. Chem., 2024, 43: 100287. DOI: 10.1016/j.cjsc.2024.100287

May 15, 2024


In summary, the sulfated Pt/TiO2-S catalysts were preparedby impregnating with sulfuric acid solution. The sulfation of TiOcauses the supported Pt/TiO2-S catalysts to severely deactivate towards methane combustion. It is found that sulfation of TiO2 supports suppresses the formation and stability of highly reactive Pt2+ species during methane oxidation process, weakens the adsorption of CH4 molecule, and raises activation energy barrier of the first C-H bond, eventually leading to a sharp decline in activity.

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