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Electrostatically driven kinetic Inverse CO2/C2H2 separation in LTA-type zeolites

Yongheng Ren, Yang Chen, Hongwei Chen, Lu Zhang, Jiangfeng Yang, Qi Shi, Lin-Bing Sun, Jinping Li, Libo Li*
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In situ monitoring of the spatial distribution of oxygen vacancies at the single-particle level

Bei Li, Zhaoke Zheng*

Chin. J. Struct. Chem., 2024, 43: 100331. DOI: 10.1016/j.cjsc.2024.100331

October 15, 2024


In summary, this work establishes a correlation between OVs and bound exciton luminescence by single-particle spectroscopy. It confirms that the PL emission of m-BiVO4 originates from the defect state. Additionally, the study achieves visual imaging of the spatial distribution of oxygen defects by PL lifetime imaging maps. Furthermore, single-particle spectroscopy can be used to monitor charge transfer during photocatalysis in situ, indicating that the generation of OVs at specific crystal facets facilitates efficient charge transfer between electrons and reactants. This work provides an imaging technique to accurately monitor the spatial distribution of defects in single-crystal materials, and a method for spatial high-resolution real-time monitoring of multiphase catalytic reactions, aiming to provide an in-depth understanding of the relationship between the structure-activity of materials.

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