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A new SIFSIX anion pillared cage MOF with crs topological structure for efficient C2H2/CO2 separation
Huirong Chen, Yingzhi He, Yan Han, Jianbo Hu, Jiantang Li, Yunjia Jiang, Basem Keshta, Lingyao Wang, Yuanbin Zhang* Submit a Manuscript
Achieving colossal anisotropic thermal expansion via synergism of spin crossover and rhombus deformation

Shuai Liang, Wen-Jing Jiang⁎, Ji-Xiang Hu

Chin. J. Struct. Chem., 2025, 44(2), 100430. DOI: 10.1016/j.cjsc.2024.100430

February 1, 2025


In summary, Liu et al. realized the thermally-induced spin transition with colossal PTE and NTE properties in a cyano-bridged hexanuclear complex. The spin transition as well as the conformational transformation triggered anisotropic alteration of the rhombic {FeIII2FeII2} unit and modifications in intermolecular CH···π interactions, ultimately resulting in NTE along the b axis. This work demonstrates that merging SCO compounds with a pliable rhombic structure and intermolecular interactions leads to exceptional structural and thermodynamic characteristics. This approach represents a significant strategy in the realm of crystal engineering and thermo-responsive molecular devices.

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