Two Alkali Metal Germanophosphates Na3[Ge(OH)(PO4)2]·2H2O and Li2Na[GeO(HPO4)(PO4)]: Crystal Structures and Thermal Stability

YANG Dong, ZHUANG Rong-Chuan, MI Jin-Xiao and HUANG Ya-Xi*

Chin. J. Struct. Chem. 2021, 40, 114-124  DOI: 10.14102/j.cnki.0254-5861.2011-2773

January 15, 2021

alkali metal, chain-like structure, germanophosphates, thermal stability


Two new alkali metal germanophosphates, namely, Na3[Ge(OH)(PO4)2]·2H2O and Li2Na[GeO(HPO4)(PO4)], have been prepared by solvothermal method, and their crystal structures were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The title two compounds crystalize in the same orthorhombic space group Pbcm (No. 57) and feature similar chain-like structure which is built from zig-zag GeO6 octahedral thread loop branched by PO4 tetrahedra. For Na3[Ge(OH)(PO4)2]·2H2O, a = 10.1650(9), b = 13.1975(12), c = 6.9751(7) Å, V = 935.73(15) Å3, Z = 4, R = 0.0356 and wR = 0.1109; and for Li2Na[GeO(HPO4)(PO4)], a = 6.9855(5), b = 14.5809(18), c = 6.6620(5) Å, V = 678.56(11) Å3, Z = 4, R = 0.0286, and wR = 0.0762. The partial substitution of Na ions by Li ions not only significantly influences the total structural features and the water molecule contents, but also impacts on their thermal stabilities. Li2Na[GeO(HPO4)(PO4)] is thermally stable up to 400 ℃, whereas only 150 ℃ for Na3[Ge(OH)(PO4)2]·2H2O.

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