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A new SIFSIX anion pillared cage MOF with crs topological structure for efficient C2H2/CO2 separation
Huirong Chen, Yingzhi He, Yan Han, Jianbo Hu, Jiantang Li, Yunjia Jiang, Basem Keshta, Lingyao Wang, Yuanbin Zhang* Submit a Manuscript
Improved polymer electrolyte interfacial contact via constructing vertically aligned fillers

Xu Li, Yue Zhao⁎, Tingli Ma

Chin. J. Struct. Chem., 2025, 44(2), 100406. DOI: 10.1016/j.cjsc.2024.100406

February 1, 2025


In summary, incorporating vertically aligned structures at the filler-electrolyte interface exhibits excellent interfacial properties and Ion transmission rate. This arrangement effectively avoids particle agglomeration caused by high surface energy ion migration along the vertical direction of ion migration facilitate the uniform deposition of Li+ on the metallic lithium anode. Additionally, the shortened lithium-ion conduction distance and excellent electrolyte/electrode interface contribute to enhance the electrochemical performance of assembled solid-state batteries. By constructing vertically aligned fillers, it not only reduces interfacial impedance, enhances ion diffusion, but also enables preparation of flexible and stable CPEs.

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