Types of Manuscripts

Articles represent complete studies and are not restricted in length. However, authors are urged to be as concise as possible, presenting experimental results clearly and carefully in a separate section and placing material in the Supporting Information file that, while of importance for practitioners on the topic, is of significantly less interest to the general reader.

Reviews are generally on progress in rapidly developing fields. Reviews are generally invited by the editor. Submission without invitation is welcome with the consent of the editor, which can be granted on the basis of a pre-submission with a table of contents and a summary, as well as a list of major references. A review is required to present clear, complete, and objective review and depiction of the historical background, problems and current status, recent progress and future perspectives in a research field. A review is not expected to be a reference report. Personal accounts with unique and critical assessments and perspectives are generally encouraged.

Short Communications Provide a rapid and significant report of a new finding that is brief but is originality, mechanistic insight, and interest to a broad readership. The introduction should concisely provide sufficient background information that help the reader understand the importance of the work. Short Communications without abstract and keywords. should be less than 3 printed pages with 1–2 displayed items including chemical formulae, Figures, Schemes, and Tables. Other additional information (if necessary) should be submitted as Supplementary materials. Each paper will begin with “Short Communication:” followed by the title. Short Communications will appear at the end of the topical sections in the journal table of contents.

Perspectives Provide fresh insights on new advances in a specific research field of science and technology or scientific policy and other issues related to the science community. Perspective authors are asked to assess the current status of the field with an emphasis on identifying key advances being made or those advances that are needed, and with an eye to the future. Authors should not primarily discuss their work. While snapshotting the issue or problem, perspectives are expected to propose a solution in detail. Perspectives should be less than 3000 words with a maximum of 15 references and 1–2 displayed items. An abstract is required.

Research Highlights Research Highlights mainly describe the latest important progress. It focuses on the main findings, emphasizes their significance, and provides a further discussion on the research topic. The results should be presented clearly without the comprehensive details required for an original article. Highlights should be limited to approximately 2000 words with 1 displayed item and 15 references within 2 pages. Highlights should have no more than three authors (at the discretion of the editor), who should not have affiliations with the author(s) of the work being highlighted.

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